Weight loss meal plans: what’s the best diet plan for me?

If you're starting out on a new weight loss meal plan or healthy eating regime, the choices can be overwhelming. At Dietlicious we have something for everyone, but if you're asking yourself, ‘what’s the best diet plan for me?’ then this is the article for you.
The first thing you should know is that our restaurant-quality meals, meal plans and cleanses have been jointly created by nutritionists and chefs for you to enjoy at home. You get the tastiest meals that tick the nutritional boxes and will keep you feeling satisfied throughout the day. Managing your weight could not be easier! However, healthy eating, weight loss and weight management is a personal thing. So take a read of this handy guide to our most popular weight loss meal plans, to see if one sounds right for you.
To start, work out where you are on your weight loss journey and decide whether you want a plan that offers Rapid Weight Loss, Moderate Weight Loss or Weight Maintenance. Then review the options below for a plan to suit you.
You may also find this article a useful reference: Lose, maintain or gain weight: How many calories do I need?
Rapid Weight Loss Plans
800 Calorie Plan
What is it: This is a strict 800 calorie per day diet, designed for rapid weight loss. On this plan you’ll receive two meals and a snack per day. Following the principles of intermittent fasting, you’ll consume all food within a window of time (ideally 8-10 hours, but at least 12 hours long). This is a kick-start plan recommended for a minimum of 2 weeks (or max of 12 weeks), which you then follow with a Moderate Weight Loss Plan for ongoing weight loss that is easier to maintain long term.
Hard bit: If you’re not used to calorie restriction or missing meals, initially you may feel hungry. Be kind to yourself initially but also remember that your body will adjust after a few days.
Best bit: This diet gets results and quickly, which is why it has shot to popularity. Plus there’s plenty of health benefits especially those who are diabetic or pre-diabetic.
Best for: Those who have a clear weight loss goal, want quick results, and have the discipline to stick to a low calorie level for at least 2 weeks.
800 Calorie Keto Plan
What is it: This is our latest addition to the 800 calorie range, which also offers safe but rapid weight loss. This diet allows 800-1000 calories a day (so it’s a little more manageable) with an emphasis on high protein, low carbs and healthy fats. This style of eating forces your body into fat burning mode. To push you into ketosis quicker, you can choose to add intermittent fasting too. This is a kick-start plan recommended for a minimum of 2 weeks (or max of 12 weeks).
Hard bit: If you’re not used to eating such healthy food in small portions, your body will take a few days to adjust but hang in there, the results are worth it.
Best bit: This diet will improve your overall health and metabolic markers. Plus, you’ll start to see results quickly!
Best for: Those who want to try keto style eating and want to reach their weight loss goal sooner.
Food Cleanse 5 or 10 day
What is it: Our healthy food cleanses are designed to detox, rebalance and revitalise your body by giving your digestive system a break from preservatives and additives, highly processed foods, wheat, gluten, dairy, red meat and sugar. You receive 3 clean-eating meals plus snacks and herbal teas, totalling 1000 calories per day. More info on maximising results on a cleanse here.
Hard bit: No caffeine could be a problem for some.
Best bit: Your skin glows after 5 days and your energy levels will soar.
Best for: Those who want a quick fix, noticeable results and to re-set their eating habits. A perfect kick-start to dieting, many people then follow on with a 1200 calorie plan.
Blood Sugar Diet
What is it: Created specially for those who want to better manage their blood sugar levels, lose weight and get on top of their condition to reduce the risk of diabetes related complications. Suitable for type 2 diabetics and those with pre-diabetes.
Hard bit: This low calorie, unprocessed food plan may represent a big shift in diet for some people. Give yourself time to adjust.
Best bit: Manage or improve your blood sugars naturally with the right diet that won't cause blood sugar spikes. We've done the nutritional hard work for you so you don't have to worry about carbs!
Best for: Anyone with elevanted blood sugar level, including those diagnosed with pre diabetes who want to try to reverse their condition naturally. Also for those with type 2 diabetes who want to better manage their blood sugars and lose weight too.
For more information on this diabetic meal plan, see our blog Healthy Blood Sugar Diet Plan: specially formulated for type 2 diabetes and pre diabetes
1500 Calorie Plan for Men
What is it: The 1500 calorie meal plan is primarily designed for men who want to lose weight rapidly as it will create a calorie deficit for an average sized guy with moderate activity levels. This calorie level is also suitable for active women, who want the extra energy to be able to maintain their training. Either way, it will be effortless as all your high protein, nutrient rich meals are provided for you to enjoy. We offer a 5 or 7 day option for both plans.
Hard bit: Getting used to eating smaller portions can be an adjustment at first.
Best bit: High protein meals keep your hunger at bay. Plus, you’ll start to see results in no time.
Best for: Busy men who want quick results with less time in the kitchen and more time to focus on work, the gym or family. Or very active women also looking for weight loss.
Moderate Weight Loss Plans
1200 Calorie Plan
What is it: Our 1200 calorie plan is a highly popular weight loss meal plan for women. Like all our plans, we’ve already done the nutrition part and calorie counting for you which makes losing weight effortless. The plan includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack each day so you'll feel full and satisfied - hardly like you're on a diet at all! Options include 5 or 7 days and gluten free.
Hard bit: Seeing how much you should be eating. And realising your portions have been too big!
Best bit: You don’t feel like you’re on a diet. Real food, real results.
Best for: Those who don’t want to think about cooking, planning their meals or counting calories. More time for you!
1500 Calorie Plan for Women
What is it: The 1500 calorie meal plan is suitable for active women who might need the extra energy to maintain a training regime but still want to lose weight. It comes in a 5 or 7 day option and makes eating well and losing weight so easy. The menu is high in protein and packed with nutrients.
Hard bit: Getting used to eating smaller portions can be an adjustment at first.
Best bit: High protein meals keep your hunger at bay. Plus, you’ll start to see results in no time.
Best for: Busy women who want to spend less time in the kitchen and more time focusing on work, the gym or family.
Peri + Post Menopause Diet
What is it: Our Menopause Diet has been formulated specifically to help those experiencing inflammation, hormonal changes and stubborn weight gain, a unique combination that often hits women in their 40's. As we age our hormone levels decline causing natural inflammation which makes it harder to lose weight. When inflammation is at play, no matter how hard you diet or exercise, your weight loss efforts can be in vain. The secret is to reduce the inflammation first and then get the body into fat loss mode. Meals on this plan are selected for their high antioxidant and omega 3 levels to reduce inflammation, plus high protein and high fibre content. Combine intermittent fasting, exercise and stress reduction for the best results.
Hard bit: Saying goodbye to processed food which is highly inflammatory.
Best bit: You will love eating tasty, real, wholefoods and finally seeing your dieting efforts pay off. Plus the upside of better sleep, mood and skin!
Best for: For women in their late 30's, 40's, 50's and beyond who want to tackle hormonal weight gain and body changes, or inflammatory health conditions.
For more information on female hormonal weight gain, read our blog The wonderful world of menopause or learn about the Anti-Inflammatory diet for longer life.
Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan
What is it: The concept of the Intermittent Fasting Diet plan is to use intermittent fasting on two non-consecutive days – this is achieved by simply cutting calories and skipping breakfast on those days. The rest of the time you eat healthy meals without counting calories. Our plan provides 5 days worth of food, with just lunch and dinner on intermittent fasting days. You have the flexibility to eat as you choose on the weekends.
Hard bit: If you’re not used to missing meals, initially you’ll be hungry on the fast days. Drink plenty of water and get busy doing something you enjoy.
Best bit: The other five days you can add in your treats so no deprivation! You’ll also be surprised how quickly your body adapts to fasting once you’re in the routine.
Best for: Those who want to lose weight but have the added health benefits that come with fasting, such as improvements to gut-health, cholesterol and insulin sensitively. This diet also offers more flexibility and choice.
Weight Maintenance - Healthy Weight for Life
The Ultimate Health & Wellbeing Diet
What is it: This meal pack was designed for those who want to optimise their health with the ultimate macronutrient mix and say goodbye to processed foods that don't make you feel good inside.
Hard bit: Eating a lighter meal for dinner and avoiding post-meal snacks at night.
Best bit: You will feel better, look better, sleep better, improve your digestion and know that you're on the pathway to ultimate health.
Best for: Those who want to eliminate processed foods from their diet and strive for ultimate health and wellbeing.
For more information read our blog, Why ditching processed foods may be your ticket to ultimate health
5 Day Lunch + Dinner Packs
What is it: Created for those who don’t have time to cook Monday to Friday and want the convenience of healthy meals for lunch and dinner. The meals are balanced and caloried controlled so depending on what you add for breakfast and snacks, you can either lose weight or maintain your weight.
Hard bit: Just making the decision about which delicious 5-day pack you want each week! We have lots of options to choose from including high protein, keto friendly, plant based, gut health and flat belly.
Best bit: 5 days of healthy eating means you can relax a little on the weekends.
Best for: No planning or shopping during the working week – what a time saver.
Build Your Own Meal Plan
What is it: The BYO plan feature was designed for those who want complete control of their own healthy eating plan. It’s perfect if you have specific dietary needs or preferences. You’re in the driving seat as you select your own breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks (or omit any if you prefer). The clever tool will tally up the calories and macronutrients of your selections for you. You build the plan to match your own goals, which may be weight loss, weight maintenance, muscle building or just healthy eating to feel great.
Hard bit: You need a little more time on your hands to make each meal selection.
Best bit: You get to order everything you like, rather than a set plan. Once set up, you can easily re-order the same menu again and again.
Best for: People who want more flexibility and choice.
Individual Meals
What is it: A huge range of healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners, salads and snacks. Simply order what you like and eat when needed. You can use our dietary filters feature to select meals that are free from added gluten, dairy, meat, coriander, capsicum and more.
Hard bit: None really, you just need to find 5 minutes to order and keep your freezer well stocked.
Best bit: Cheaper than take away and you know you’re getting high quality, calorie-controlled, nutritious meals without additives. No lock in contracts either!
Best for: People who have no time to cook yet still want to eat healthy food or manage weight.
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