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Dietlicious Health Blog

  1. Healthy Salmon Salad in under 10 minutes

    Healthy Salmon Salad in under 10 minutes

    This dish shows the versatility of our Salmon Chermoulal. Not just a complete meal for one, it can easily be turned into a scrumptious healthy salmon salad for two. The beauty of this salad is that the hard work has already been done for you! It’s also completely flexible - you can easily substitute any ingredients you don’t have and add the optional extras as you see fit.

  2. Zoe Bingley-Pullin: Is your home poisoning you?

    Zoe Bingley-Pullin: Is your home poisoning you?

    Learn if you’re living in a healthy home or harmful one

    Have you ever thought about how healthy your home is? Most people haven’t. We tend to think about our health in terms of what we eat or how much we exercise. Thanks to modern research we can now get an understanding of the impacts of external factors on human health and the homes that we live in play a large part in this.

    Exactly what is going on under your roof? If only the walls could talk! Let’s dive into everything you need to know about air quality, dust, household chemicals, cosmetics and food. Plus practical tips on how you can reduce your exposure to any nasties and make your house a healthy home for all who occupy it.

  3. The secrets to good gut health

    The secrets to good gut health

    Your gut is your first line of defence against pathogens and toxins. It’s also responsible for digesting your food, absorbing nutrients and making vitamins. But the importance of gut health extends far beyond that! We now know that it impacts your immune system, body weight, metabolism, brain functions and mood regulation.

  4. Zoe Bingley-Pullin: Sick of eating rabbit food? How to stay excited about your diet

    Zoe Bingley-Pullin: Sick of eating rabbit food? How to stay excited about your diet

    Are you thrilled to be on a diet? Probably not. Most people don’t go on a diet because it’s a fun or inspiring thing to do. In fact, dieting is akin to torture for many people.

    I’m definitely the kind of nutritionist that advocates eating well everyday as a lifestyle, rather than dieting. However, if you’re feeling sluggish, are carrying excess kilos and have a certain goal weight in mind, then you may well need a clear, targeted approach. Plus you’ll need some motivation to stay on track.

    So let’s address the key problems with conventional dieting and discuss helpful tips to beating food boredom while getting your weight down to a healthier level.

  5. Can plant-based eating protect you from COVID-19?

    Can plant-based eating protect you from COVID-19?

    Since the start of this pandemic, and as coronavirus panic has escalated, there have been many touted treatments and cures. Some may have a scientific basis, though there are numerous bogus or downright dangerous ones as well.

    One of the latest claims to capture headlines in the media is from well-regarded scientist Dr T. Colin Campbell who has drawn on his previous research to say that eating a plant-based diet is protective against COVID-19. Could this be true?

  6. Zoe Bingley-Pullin: Why most people fail at meditation. And why that’s perfectly ok!

    Zoe Bingley-Pullin: Why most people fail at meditation. And why that’s perfectly ok!

    If you’re like most people, you’ve heard of meditation and you probably think it’s a good thing to do. But you may be grappling with these typical obstacles – thinking it’s too hard, you’re not the type for it, you don’t know how to do it or you don’t have the time to master it. Did your previous attempts leave you feeling that it didn’t work or you didn’t see the point?

    If you’re a bona fide meditation flop, this article is for you. I’ll take you through the powerful benefits you can experience when you give meditation a try, provide ideas on how to get started, plus star tips from the pros. Lastly, I’ll give you my own recorded sample to help get you on your way. My aim is to show you why failure is just a stepping stone to meditation success.

  7. Zoe Bingley-Pullin: My secrets to a long happy life

    Zoe Bingley-Pullin: My secrets to a long happy life

    If you’re born in Australia this year, you can expect to live for 83.5 years. Lucky you, as you’ll statistically out-live the Swedes, French, Germans and Kiwi’s. Back in 1950 a person could expect to live for 68.7 years, so we’ve come a long way.

    But living a long life is quite different to living a healthy, long life. Do you really want to live those extra years unwell and unhappy?

    Play your health cards right and you can be living longer living stronger, disability-free until advanced old age. Remember genes are one factor but adopting good lifestyle practices are even more important in the quest to help you stay mentally and physically fit.

  8. Why am I so tired? Top 10 reasons for tiredness & how to overcome it

    Why am I so tired? Top 10 reasons for tiredness & how to overcome it

    Many people report feeling constantly tired or fatigued. Are you one of them?

    Perhaps you put it down to working too hard or burning the candle at both ends? Maybe you’ve even become so accustomed to feeling lethargic that you’ve forgotten what energised feels like?

    First things first, prolonged feelings of exhaustion warrant a trip to the doctor to rule out medical reasons for your tiredness.  There are any number of conditions that may be linked to fatigue such as anaemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, glandular fever, diabetes or being coeliac to name a few.

    If you’re not suffering from a medical condition, then it’s time to turn the spotlight on health and lifestyle reasons for your tiredness. Here we list the top ten culprits and how you can combat them to bounce back to a more energetic you.

  9. Have you hit a weight loss plateau?

    Have you hit a weight loss plateau?

    10 common weight loss mistakes and how to fix them

    Are you trying to lose weight but feel like you’re getting nowhere? Don’t be disheartened, we might be able to help. We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 most common reasons why you might be at a weight loss plateau or aren’t losing as much as you’d like, despite the effort you’re putting in. Thankfully, alongside each problem we’ve provided the solution, so you can get yourself back on track to being the healthy, happy person you want to be.

  10. Zoe Bingley-Pullin: Get Sweaty! The benefits of exercise and sauna use

    Zoe Bingley-Pullin: Get Sweaty! The benefits of exercise and sauna use

    Sweating is the body’s built-in air conditioning system. When our internal temperature rises, our sweat glands release water to the surface of our skin. As the perspiration evaporates, it cools the skin and blood underneath. Sweat arises from one of three instances - when we exercise, when we have a fever, or when we are anxious and stressed.

    We all have around 4 million sweat glands that excrete a mixture of water, salt, amino acids and other substances. The exact composition of sweat varies from person to person based on hormone balance, physiological changes, and any bacteria and viruses in the body.


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