Enjoy good health with 5 top healthy eating & lifestyle hacks

Want to be healthier this year than you were last year? Do you want to enjoy good health both now and also into the future, minimising your chance of illness and disease? Don’t we all!
Sometimes health tips can be confusing and conflicting, so we’ve kept it really simple here. There are just 5 key healthy eating and lifestyle hacks to follow with a reference article if you want more info. You can’t go wrong. You'll feel good now and lay the groundwork for living a longer and healthier life. Start today and you’ll be brimming with good health by year’s end!
1. Eat more fibre
Here’s a health tip you shouldn’t ignore. Did you know that eating fibre can help you lose weight, lower your cholesterol and stabilise your blood sugars? But the benefits don’t end there.
Studies show that dietary fibre consumption is inversely associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many types of cancers. Plus, through its capacity to feed good bacteria and improve gut health, fibre can positively impact immune regulation, hormone release, brain function and mood.
This article will tell you how much fibre you should be eating every day and help you to calculate if your diet delivers enough, or whether you need to make modifications to reach the target.
Read the full article here: Fighting Flab With Fibre
2. Learn to manage your stress better
These days, we all tend to lead busy and stressful lives. Some people just tend to cope better with stress than others. Did you know that a well-balanced diet is actually a powerful stress management tool? Conversely, when we eat poorly the symptoms of stress can be intensified.
Being stressed can have negative impacts on your eating habits, your sleep, your mood and your ability to focus. So learning to manage it will help you to feel healthier and happier.
Learn key stress reducing nutrients and their common food sources. Plus get tips to help you eat right to reduce stress here: How to Combat Stress With Good Nutrition
3. Eat more plants (and less meat)
Research shows plant-based diets are associated with a whole range of health benefits and disease reduction compared with meat-based diets. We’re talking heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer for a start.
Healthy eating starts with plants. That means plenty of vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds. A diet rich in these foods is synonymous with greater physical and mental wellbeing, as well as energy and vitality. If you’re a meat-lover, it’s not necessary to turn your back on meat and embrace vegetarianism. You can still get the benefits by simply swapping some meat meals out for more plant-based dishes.
Eating more plants is not just good for you but it’s good for the planet too.
Learn more about eating less meat and more plants in this article: Why You Should Eat Less Meat - Top 7 Benefits
4. Exercise more
Ok, so you’ve probably heard that exercise is good for you. But do you know how far reaching it is, in terms of benefits to your health? Let us enlighten you…
Engaging in regular physical activity can help boost your energy levels, can lower your blood pressure, can reduce your risk of heart attack, type 2 diabetes and cancer, can help strengthen bones and muscles, improve your mood, help you maintain a healthy body weight and improve your sleep too. Wow, what a list! What are waiting for?
To find out exactly how much exercise you should do and how vigorously, this article will spell it out: Move it! The Benefits of Physical Activity
5. Cut back on sugar
One of the most powerful health tips ever is to eat less sugar. Sugar plays havoc with your blood sugar levels; is packed with calories that can lead to weight gain; has been linked to a wide range of health issues like diabetes, heart disease, depression, cancer, dental decay AND it can even accelerate ageing! If that’s not enough reasons to give sugar the flick, we don’t know what it’ll take.
The tricky thing with sugar is that these days it’s often hiding in food that’s marketed as healthy. And it’s becoming harder to identify as it often goes under many names that food manufacturers use to hide its existence. Best to check labels carefully and try to choose natural, wholefoods as much as possible.
In this article, we talk about the dangers of sugar, better alternatives than sugar and tips to break your sugar addiction: Sugar: Poison or Passion? Top Tips for Cutting Back