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Dietlicious Health Blog

  1. How to live longer, stronger & healthier: Top 10 tips for good health this year

    How to live longer, stronger & healthier: Top 10 tips for good health this year

    Do you want to live healthier in 2024? Perhaps you’ve got #healthgoals you want to accomplish, doctor gave you some bad news, or you have just decided that your New Year’s resolution is to live to 100. Whatever your motivation, we’ve got ten top tips to get you feeling healthier and stronger, so you can live well and live longer. If you’re hungry for more information, there are plenty of linked resources throughout this article.

  2. Why ditching ultra processed foods may be your ticket to ultimate health in 2024

    Why ditching ultra processed foods may be your ticket to ultimate health in 2024

    What’s the secret to ultimate health and wellbeing? You might think good genes or good luck. Perhaps a good lifestyle, including exercise, sleep and stress management. But the number one thing? Diet.
    Ok, so are you all rushing off to buy kale and sardines yet? Whilst we often think of what we should eat when we think of dieting, we’re going to turn that on its head. Instead, we believe that for ultimate health, you should probably focus your attention on what you shouldn’t eat.

    The bottom line is - ultra processed food is bad for your health. If you want to enjoy the feeling of ultimate health and wellbeing this year, then cut out, or dramatically cut down on your intake of ultra processed food. When you eat a wellbeing diet rich in natural, unprocessed food, it’s almost impossible not to improve your biology, your weight management, your positivity and lower your disease risk. That’s a whole lot of benefits for just following one simple dieting rule.

  3. How to Host a Festive and Healthy Christmas Day

    How to Host a Festive and Healthy Christmas Day

    With the Christmas countdown clock ticking, it’s time to start planning for an incredible Christmas feast with your loved ones. Indulging in all that the silly season has to offer is tradition, but it is possible to prepare yourself in advance for the calorie onslaught. Including some healthy and wholesome foods can be just as delicious and will set you up for feeling fantastic through to the New Year and beyond.

  4. Can’t bear gym workouts? Try this new craze, exercise snacking!

    Can’t bear gym workouts? Try this new craze, exercise snacking!

    Exercise is an essential part of any healthy lifestyle, but it can be challenging to find time for regular long workouts. Enter exercise snacking - the concept of short bursts of exercise throughout the day, instead of an extended training routine. This approach offers numerous benefits for anyone who wants to improve their health and fitness without overhauling their schedule. In this post, we'll explore the idea of little snacks of exercise and why it can be a great way to boost your physical activity level and overall well-being.

  5. Weight loss meal plans: what’s the best diet plan for me?

    Weight loss meal plans: what’s the best diet plan for me?

    If you're starting out on a new weight loss meal plan or healthy eating regime, the choices can be overwhelming. At Dietlicious we have something for everyone, but if you're asking yourself, ‘what’s the best diet plan for me?’ then this is the article for you.

    The first thing you should know is that our restaurant-quality meals, meal plans and cleanses have been jointly created by nutritionists and chefs for you to enjoy at home. You get the tastiest meals that tick the nutritional boxes and will keep you feeling satisfied throughout the day. Managing your weight could not be easier! However, healthy eating, weight loss and weight management is a personal thing. So take a read of this handy guide to our most popular weight loss meal plans, to see if one sounds right for you.

  6. Enjoy good health with 5 top healthy eating & lifestyle hacks

    Enjoy good health with 5 top healthy eating & lifestyle hacks

    Want to be healthier this year than you were last year? Do you want to enjoy good health both now and also into the future, minimising your chance of illness and disease? Don’t we all!

    Sometimes health tips can be confusing and conflicting, so we’ve kept it really simple here. There are just 5 key healthy eating and lifestyle hacks to follow with a reference article if you want more info. You can’t go wrong. You'll feel good now and lay the groundwork for living a longer and healthier life. Start today and you’ll be brimming with good health by year’s end!


  7. How does intermittent fasting work where other diets don’t?

    How does intermittent fasting work where other diets don’t?

    Fasting is an ancient tradition, used religiously and therapeutically. Greek physician, Hippocrates is known to have advocated fasting in the face of certain illnesses, more than 2,000 years ago. As a weight loss method, fasting is relatively new, having gained interest mainly in the last hundred years.

    These days, there’s a lot of hype about intermittent fasting as a weight loss strategy and also for managing a range of health conditions such as diabetes, neurological disorders and cancer. Let’s explore what intermittent fasting is, why it’s effective for weight loss and how is it that it can work when a regular diet might not.

  8. Why nutritionists WON’T recommend a juice cleanse as a New Year resolution

    Why nutritionists WON’T recommend a juice cleanse as a New Year resolution

    The Christmas rush is over and you’ve got a few days to relax, mull over your life and start planning your New Year resolutions. Did you know that the most popular resolutions every year involve self-improvement? Living a healthier life, getting happier, losing weight, exercising more and decreasing your alcohol intake are all included.

    If you too want to jump on the health and weight loss bandwagon this year, we applaud you. You’ve made the decision; now you want to take action and get results. So, should you resort to a juice cleanse? Most nutritionists would give a resounding NO to that question and in this article, we’ll tell you why.

  9. Why you should eat less meat – top 7 benefits

    Why you should eat less meat – top 7 benefits

    If you want to improve your health, one of the best and easiest ways you can do this is by reducing your meat intake. You score double points if you swap the meat in favour of more vegetarian meals. Love a good steak and can’t fathom giving it up? Don’t worry, you can still have your steak and eat it too!

    There’s no need to give up meat altogether (unless you want to, of course). Just eating less meat, aka meat free Monday perhaps, and consuming more plants will reap you many health rewards. Read on so we can enlighten you on why you should eat less meat. Here are our top 7 seven benefits.

  10. Is the anti inflammatory diet the secret to a long + healthy life?

    Is the anti inflammatory diet the secret to a long + healthy life?

    Did you know that three out of every five deaths worldwide today are caused by chronic inflammatory diseases? Yes, that’s right. It’s a scary statistic and it’s even more frightening when you realise that these diseases and deaths are completely preventable.

    The major degenerative ailments involving chronic inflammation are heart disorders, stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity and respiratory diseases. The current situation is so bad that The World Health Organization considers these diseases the greatest threat to human health.

    Of course, humans aren’t meant to live forever, but ending your days with one of these conditions can be not only painful but expensive too. More importantly, they tend to involve extended periods of poor life quality that impacts not just those with the disease but loved ones too.


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